Deputy of Planning


1- Coordinating and communicating with the offices of Iran Water Resources Management Company and Company and receiving information, general plans, laws and regulations, approvals, and relevant instructions in the field of activities in the field of planning, economic affairs, management development, and information and communication technology.
2- Planning and coordination for the establishment and development of application software of management information units and systems in order to support senior management decision making and middle management, preparation and compilation of management reports to be submitted to the competent authorities inside and outside the organization.
3- Planning and coordinating the implementation of purchasing services from the non-governmental sector and using the services of competent consultants in the study and executive projects in the field of organizational plans and methods, economic studies of existing projects, information systems, software, hardware, network, and related affairs support. , Quality management systems and improving management, and playing the role of the employer in the above matters.
4- Reviewing and compiling the proposed amendments to the organizational structure (macro and detailed) to present to the parent company and obtain the necessary approvals.
5- Supervising the exact implementation of the organizational structure (macro and detailed) announced by the parent company
Update the structural database in the information exchange portal of the parent company portal and provide related reports.
6- Compiling and keeping up-to-date the description of duties and powers, detailed structure and organization, and making structural adjustments and reforms based on the policies, programs, and instructions of the subject and the statutory powers.
5- Carrying out the necessary measures regarding the analysis of systems and methods and formulating operations flow processes in order to eliminate parallel and redundant activities, simplify and improve productivity in performing activities.
Planning in the establishment and implementation of quality management systems to improve productivity in the design and current activities.
6- Planning in the field of improving the productivity of the device.
7- Planning and coordination for designing and deploying hardware and software systems, establishing and developing the company's information network in order to provide external and internal information and support the above fields.
8- Developing operational plans in the areas of planning, organization, improving management, and formulating achievable goals and policies in the above areas.
9- Holding administrative transformation commissions periodically and continuously and making efforts to implement the relevant approvals.

10- Planning, coordinating, and supervising the identification of methods of providing sources of income generation and equipping non-governmental financial resources, including domestic and foreign financial resources, participation bonds, etc.

11- Planning and coordination in determining the amount of demand and allocation of water in the sectors of industry, drinking, and agriculture according to the limitations and available resources.
12- Planning and coordination in preparing and adjusting, allocating and evaluating the company's budget, and preparing and preparing budget reports.
13- Planning, monitoring, and coordination in water allocation for water resource applicants in order to manage water resources in the area.
14- Planning, determining, completing, and updating the cost price of water in development projects and performing analyzes and estimates, tariffs and economic values ​​, and evaluation indicators in the water sector in coordination with the relevant areas in order to make the best use of investments and prepare the necessary reports.
Planning and cooperation in formulating the operational plan of organizational units and evaluating the plans in the planned and current activities and evaluating the progress of the plans in coordination with the relevant areas.
15- Planning and conducting studies and surveys of water and soil resources using GIS and remote sensing systems in order to support different levels of planning and management of water resources and creating and establishing comprehensive databases of water resources in the GIS environment.
16- Reviewing, identifying, and determining the titles of the required researches, in order to achieve the goals of the company and the necessary plans for the implementation of the approved research projects.
Supervise all programs and activities related to applied research.
17- Planning and supervising matters related to tourism.



IT management and management development


1- Coordinating and establishing relations with the relevant offices of the Ministry of Energy and the Iran Water Resources Management Company to follow up on receiving information, general plans, laws and regulations, approvals, and relevant instructions in the field of management activities.
2- Planning and supervising in the preparation and compilation of instructions and executive methods within the framework of laws and regulations and by-laws on the subject and design and approval by the board of directors and implementation of relevant approvals.
Cooperation with the headquarters in the field of preparing and compiling regulations and instructions and amending and reviewing the relevant principles.
3- Necessary planning and coordination with organizational units in structural adjustments and reforms based on policies, plans, relevant instructions, corporate organization regulations, notification of the parent company and statutory powers, and preparation of organizational reports.
4- Necessary planning and coordination with organizational units in compiling and maintaining the organizational structure, detailed organization, and job description.
5- Announcing the opinion on preparing and adjusting the structural reform proposal of other units.
6- Announcing opinions and cooperating with the inspection and performance management unit in selecting the appropriate self-assessment model.
7- Guiding and directing research activities in order to increase the productivity of activities and improve the methods used.
8- Planning and supervising the establishment of quality management systems in order to increase productivity in performing activities.
9- Collecting, preparing, and compiling the operations flow processes in the current situation and recognizing, analyzing the activities and in order to eliminate the unnecessary methods and steps and reworking them with the cooperation of the relevant units and groups.
10- Necessary review in the field of analysis and modification of forms in cooperation with the proposing units and supervision of studies and researches of modification of place and place in order to achieve maximum productivity.
11- Coordinating and managing the preparation and formulation of systems related to productivity and promoting and spreading the culture of productivity and supervising the transfer of new management tools to the company.
12- Taking the necessary measures regarding the implementation of the roadmap programs for the reform of the administrative system and following up the meetings of the Management Development Commission on a periodic and continuous basis and following up on the relevant approvals.
Submit a report on the actions taken in connection with the approvals of the management development commissions periodically to the relevant management in the parent company.
13- Leading and directing committees and working groups related to information technology activities, administrative transformation, productivity, quality management system, system of suggestions, and supervising the implementation of approvals and submitting related reports.
14- Developing the company's information system and establishing and continuously improving it based on the current and future needs of the company to decide on the top and middle management of the company.
15- Counting, reviewing, summarizing, and modifying the company's work processes and submitting the necessary reports to Iran Water Resources Management Company.
16- Planning and supervising the purchase of information technology services from the non-governmental sector and using the services of competent consultants in related fields.
17- Planning, coordinating, and implementing projects for creating and deploying MIS management information systems in the company.
18. Implementing instructions, directives, approvals, and other related legal materials from higher authorities in the field of information technology (IT) and supervising the proper implementation of the said approvals in the company.
19- Designing, implementing, and providing services and software and hardware support required by the company's organizational units and city water resources units.
20- Providing the necessary training to the company's employees regarding the use of computer networks required by the company's organizational units and city water resources units.
21- Training, development, and dissemination of the culture of using information technology in the company.
22. Planning and compiling a vision document and roadmap in the field of information technology and GIS-based on the standards and requirements of information technology governance.
23. Establishment and establishment of comprehensive databases of water resources in the GIS environment and development of medium and short-term plans for the development and application of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) in the company.

24- Assessing the training needs in the field of RS and GIS and supervising the implementation of training programs to improve the level of knowledge and skills of the company's employees in cooperation with the company's training unit.
25- Preparing and compiling executive instructions for updating, using, and correct use of applications, hardware, and databases.
26. Necessary estimation and coordination regarding the provision of necessary financial resources for the implementation of information technology projects at the company level.
27. Design and implementation of information security standards.
28. Creating, launching, and updating the company's website.
29- Communicating and coordinating with the organizational units of the company in creating the necessary facilities for data transfer.
30-Cooperation with other units in creating infrastructure and access required to load information on related systems.
 31- Implementing security regulations related to the fields of technology, communications, and statistics and monitoring its strict implementation.




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