We, the employees of South Khorasan Regional Power Authority believe that:


1- The major goal of the Company after seeking satisfaction of Omnipotent God is to create value, providing honest services, and gaining the satisfaction of the noble people of Iran; and we will do our utmost efforts in fulfilling this critical task.


2-Services of this Company improves the richness and excellence of people's lives and reinforce the relationship between us and people.


3- The country's water resources are one of the most important divine blessings and national wealth, and we owe it to effort our best for the development, preservation, and optimal use of it.


4- As a regional water company of South Khorasan province, by implementing the strategies of the parent company specialized in catchment management and interacting with other regional water companies, we manage water resources quantitatively and qualitatively so that the interests of all profiteers in the province are evenly distributed and environmentally friendly. ‌Living while adapting to the conditions‌, provide water security for the current generation and future generations of the province.


We will remain adhered and committed to the following values and put them at the forefront of our work:


1- In any situation, we adhere to moral principles and spiritual attributes such as humility, sobriety, confidentiality and trustworthiness, honesty in speech and behavior, avoidance of any discrimination, absenteeism, and flattery, and avoidance of extravagance and wastefulness.

2- By observing the Shari'a standards and the correct implementation of laws, regulations, and taking into account the customs of society, we strengthen the administrative health in our work environment.


3- Order, neatness, punctuality, observance of etiquette, decency, justice, fairness, and readiness to provide service and accountability to stakeholders and clients are among the indisputable and definite principles of our success and the excellence of the company.


4- To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our tasks and to satisfy clients, we increase our professional knowledge and skills.


5- We provide our services with the desired quality and in a suitable and modern way to the client and we have a duty to provide the required information in their field of work swiftly and within the framework of regulations.


6- We cultivate organizational affiliations and respect our colleagues to take steps towards the dignity and satisfaction of the client and the people with empathy.




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Contact Us

  • Address :
  • P.O Box : +98-7916795639
  • Tel : +98-7633335411-15, +98-7633932145
  • Fax : +98-7633351371
  • Email : info[at]hrrw.ir
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